Earn Money by sports Predicting

Hello Everyone welcome to my blog in todays blog I will say you about an app by which you can earn good amount by money by predicting about your favourite sport..
You can do this by an App called NostraPro.
This app is currently not available on playstore but I will provide you the official link...
Now I will say you the steps to start earning.
Step 1. Install the NostraPro app https://goo.gl/PDMpeL
Step 2. Open the app and sign in using your google account or register with your details.
Step 3.Now you will get ₹20 as signup bonus you can use this amount for joining the Match predicting.
Step 4. The App will have many sport categories you will have to choose your category for eg. Cricket.
Step 5. Now it will show you the list of matches that are going to happen.For eg. If you chose Cricket it will show you the list IPL matches that are going to happen.
Step 6. Now select the match that you want after selecting you will get some prediction questions like for cricket you may get like which player or team will make above 100run etc.After answering these question the answers will be saved.
Step 7. Now you have to join in some group the joining fee is ₹5 which can pay from the bonus amount which you got after sign up.
Step 8.You have to wait Till the match you selected is over then the app will show how many of your predictions were correct amd if You come in the rank 1,2or3 you will get money that was mention in the group you joined..
Step 9.You can redeem the amount from PayTm But the minimum amount you can redeem is ₹21.
Step 10. You can also verify your account with PAN card to remove withdrawal limits..
Note:In the beginnig you may not come in the top 3 but if keep trying you can win The only trick is that you should use your General Knowledge while predicting.😊
Hope you liked this blog about Nostra Pro..


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